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Art, Ecology and Science Unite in Maritima01 Project.

Maritima01 project, with main events to be hosted in the City of Valencia (dates to be confirmed with respect to the end of the lockdown), will be launched this June and will provide a unique experience to its participants through a series of online meetings between artists and scientists.

The project aims to highlight the current Mediterranean region state and leverage the image of Valencia as a city concerned with ecology, sustainability, care for the environment and the Mediterranean Sea in the framework of conversation between scientists and artists. The event is developed in close collaboration with important Valencian institutions such as: Universitat de Valencia, Jardin Botanico Valencia, IMEDMAR, Visit Valencia Foundation, Hyundai Valencia, EASD, La Nau Cultural Centre and Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània.


Marítima01 is an Art-and-Science project that brings together contemporary artists and scientists, a unique initiative with the purpose of explaining the current situation in the Mediterranean region supported by the scientists of the University of Valencia. The project will involve renowned national and international artists to disseminate the scientific knowledge through the art.

La Nau

The unprecedented virus outbreak situation, in which we find ourselves, has forced founders of the project to change the initial plans in terms of the event organization. Nonetheless, the Maritima01 team is committed to proceed with proposed events as soon as the health situation changes and makes it possible.

Thus, from 2nd to 15th June, 2020 the innovative Work-On-Distance Residency will take place. With the use of technologies artist from around the Globe will be able to access laboratories and locations in Valencia to develop their projects in close collaboration with the scientists based in the University of Valencia. A series of online meetings with artists, scientists, foundations and sponsors will be organized to gather information and continue working on the project. Among them, number of video conferences will be open to the general public and enable the concerned audience to participate and ask questions.

Mariagrazia Pontorno, Ustina Yakovleva, Fabrice Monteiro, Yann Toma, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Mara G. Haseltine, José Saborit, Ana Matey Maranon, Kalie Granier, Sena Basoz, Taylor Smith among other artists, have already confirmed their participation.

Mariagrazia Pontorno

As we assume, physical meetings will be arranged later in Valencia between artists and scientists to proceed with creating the works that are one of the objectives of the Maritima01 project.

Starting from the initial stages, the project has been actively supported by the scientists working in the departments of biomarina studies of the University of Valencia and IMEDMAR (Institute of Environment and Marine Sciences Research) and they have literally opened the doors of their research laboratories to make the essential information on the state of environmental issues in the Mediterranean sea accessible to the artists and, through their works, to the general public. At the same time, using this knowledge as a starting point, artists will create and disseminate new contemporary art projects in response to pressing problems and be inspired by their desire to talk about them.

The close collaboration between artists and scientists became possible thanks to the support of the University of Valencia and IMEDMAR. The first online meetings will be organized with the following departments: Ecology and Marine Biology; Physical Oceanography and Marine Geology; Chemical oceanography and Environment, Aquatic Resources, Marine Zoology.

Colegio Mayor Rector Peset

Maritima01 project opens up an excellent opportunity for the scientist to convey the concerns they have to our society:

  • Ecology of emblematic or threatened species such as the Pinna Nobilis.

  • Problems of fishing: fishing with nets puts in danger the marine ecosystem,

  • Problem of pollution caused by excess plastic waste in the seas and oceans.

  • Diseases of marine animals (fish, turtles, dolphins).

  • The migration of populations of different invasive species, and their influence on the reproduction of mammals and other marine animals.

With these activities we inaugurate Maritima01 project, an event promoted by the Art Made Cultural Association, which this summer will bring together renowned artists and leading scientists in Valencia to work on expressing the importance of taking care for the Mediterranean Sea and its region and distributing the knowledge to the citizens, visitors and general public.

Science Park Univesitat València

The objective of Maritime01 project is to travel around the Mediterranean basin and to draw attention of the general public to the existing issues. We hope that the first edition on Maritima project in Valencia will become the first of many invocations in other Mediterranean countries. We plan to hold itinerary events to display and exchange art projects produced in different countries, spreading the knowledge to other cities and bringing the image of the city of Valencia as the first venue of the project.


What will happen in October in Maritima01 project?

With the programme yet to be finalised, and having obtained the agreement to collaborate from numerous local and international partners, Elena Posokhova, President of the Art Made Non - Profit Cultural Association, promoter of the event, is pleased to be able to make a contribution with this project into raising awareness about the situation of the Mediterranean.

Elena Posokhova highlights original nature of Maritima01 project. “This unique format is not trivial. It symbolizes our desire to build bridges between the artistic and scientific worlds and create the appropriate conditions to imagine new solutions and new media for awareness. We have set up an official selection committee with renowned experts from the world of art and science to guarantee the quality of artistic production and scientific discourse”, explains the curator of the project.

Pinna nobilis

Curator of the project wants to show Maritima01 solidarity with the society because of the virus outbreak that strikes the world: “We had to change the initial plans, but we want to continue with the project both online and in person as soon as it is possible for artists and scientists to get together and share experiences. We think that this project is beneficial for the Mediterranean and that is why we will work by stages to get it done when the conditions of Health Security allow us."

After the celebration of Maritima01 in Valencia the art projects and final works will travel to France, Italy or Morocco, as a sign of the desire for propagation and multi nationality.

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